What is a Conservation District?
Soil and Water Conservation Districts are governed by a seven-member volunteer board.
Five supervisor positions are elected by the landowners of the district, and two members are appointed by the SWCD board. The board may also appoint non-voting associate members.
How Are Conservation Districts Funded?
Through a resolution, districts may hold referendums to vote for a mill levy for the property owners of the district. A mill levy is one mill of one third of the property's net taxable value (i.e. property valued at $100,000.00 would be assessed 33.33 per year mill levy). The mill levy is assessed at the county tax assessor's office and provided to the district on a quarterly basis.
Other sources of funding for the Central Tri-County Soil & Water Conservation include grant programs that the district is able to obtain, cooperative funds with other agencies, and in-kind contributions.
A referendum for the formation of the Central Tri-County Soil & Water Conservation District was carried by popular vote of landowners, as provided in the New Mexico Soil & Water Conservation District Law. The Certificate of Organization was issued on September 27, 1941.
The Mission of the Central Tri-County Soil & Water Conservation District is to protect, restore, enhance, and promote the wise use of natural resources. This will be achieved through development of projects, education of public, the cooperation of landowners/users, agencies and other political subdivisions of the state.